“Abrahamson may be just what this city needs: full of fresh ideas, creative stories, and compelling characters. I look forward to hearing more music from Abrahamson and truly hope to see one of his musicals come to life on a New York City stage someday soon.”
— Sheila Watko - Theatre Pizzazz (NYC)
“Abrahamson’s songs are fashioned with impressive wit and charm”
— Liz Nichols - Edmonton Journal
“Abrahamson’s music is witty, refreshing and beautifully establishes aspects of the immigrant’s experiences.”
— Lynn Slotkin
“Let’s hear it for Daniel Abrahamson, the brightest new songwriting talent on the Toronto stage in a long time. His tunes have melody, rhythm and shape, while his lyrics are deftly funny and sit beautifully on the music. In short, he’s the real thing. ”
— Richard Ouzounian, Toronto Star
“Daniel Abrahamson’s musical works will clearly be heading for big stages near us all soon. And his “trunk of songs” will undoubtedly be mined by singers searching for funny themed, cleverly worded, and unexpectedly touching song material.”